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Attendance & Punctuality


West Yorkshire Police Truancy Policy


Being late for school makes it hard for your child to learn. If children are 30 minutes late each day, it means they are missing half a day of learning every week.  Punctuality gets the day off to a good start, establishes positive patterns for the future, helps your child develop, make and keep friends, leads to self-confidence and success and is good training for adult life and work. Lateness gets the day off to a bad start can be embarrassing for your child, may damage your child’s confidence, can damage your child’s achievement and disrupts learning for everyone. BEING ON TIME IS THE MOST IMPORTANT LESSON TO LEARN!

Medical Appointments

Should children need to visit the clinic or hospital, please inform the class teacher, showing the appointment card; Visits to opticians, dentists, etc... should take place out of school time unless it is an emergency. Parents must collect children who need to visit the hospital or clinic during the day from the main reception.  

The School Day

Our school day starts at 8.50am when the bell rings classroom doors will then be opened and children are allowed to walk straight into their classrooms.  For safety reasons we ask you not to bring the children before 8.45am as there are no staff available for supervision in the playground. 

Main School Times
08.50-12.00  Morning sessions
12.00-1.00pm  Lunchtime

1.00-3.25pm  Afternoon session

Nursery Times

Nursery Morning Session 8.50 am - 11.50am
Nursery Afternoon session 12.25pm - 3.25pm

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